Financial Advisor Magazine Article

Starting the year off on a great note with Financial Advisor magazine quoting Travis Penfield, CEO & Founder of 49 Financial in a recent article. Travis unpacks how to view and consider potential changes to the tax structures considering the incoming administration.

Financial Advisor goes on to quote Travis by saying:

“Good tax approaches now include continued tax-loss harvesting, charitable gifting for appreciated assets or increased allocation to such tax-advantaged holdings as municipal bonds, Penfield said. “We have historically low capital gains rates, and due to the high level of monetary and fiscal support, many investors have the good problem of holding highly appreciated assets,” he said, adding “we’re not taking the capital gains rate for granted in 2021 and beyond.”

Few things speak to credibility quite like a financial media outlet quoting you, talking about the things you love. We humbly appreciate the honor of being acknowledged like this and hope to continue to steward our growing platform in this space.


“Financial Advisor magazine was ranked first among publications targeting professional financial advisors, according to Erdos & Morgan’s Financial Advisor Media Usage and Outlook Study (FAMOUS). Erdos & Morgan has been conducting syndicated and custom market research since 1947.”