Aligning Values and Finances: A Holistic Approach to Financial Planning

In the realm of financial planning, it’s easy to get caught up in the numbers — saving, investing, spending. However, what often gets overlooked is how our values shape our financial decisions, especially when it comes to retirement planning and charitable giving.


Imagine a scenario where your financial decisions not only secure your future but also contribute to causes you deeply care about. This is where the alignment of values and finances comes into play. It’s about more than just maximizing wealth; it’s about maximizing impact and fulfillment.


One approach to achieving this alignment is through donor-advised funds (DAFs), a tool that allows individuals to support charitable organizations while also gaining potential tax benefits. These vehicles can be used to amplify one’s philanthropic efforts in line with personal values. Ryan Botzong, an advisor in our Dallas office notes, one of the most impactful areas of this career is “knowing that a client can give to organizations that they are passionate about and a DAF is a great example of a strategy we implement to achieve this philanthropic goal.” Beyond just current giving, DAFs can be structured to continue your charitable legacy across multiple generations. By setting up by-laws and terms, future generations can withdraw a set amount each year for their own charitable contributions, extending the impact of your generosity far into the future.


But it doesn’t stop there. Beyond crafting a giving strategy, it’s essential to delve into the core values that drive financial decisions. When working with clients, uncovering their passions and convictions is key. Whether it’s family legacy, community empowerment, or environmental sustainability, understanding what matters most to them lays the foundation for a truly personalized financial plan.


Investing early is another powerful strategy often overlooked. Starting early not only harnesses the power of compound interest but also sets the stage for passing down wealth to future generations. It’s remarkable how a small yet proactive decision today, like investing in a college fund or saving for a first home, can create such a large impact for your children later. They might use this money to buy their first car, their first house, or even a wedding ring, all thanks to the foresight of starting early.


As we look toward retirement, many people envision their financial activities narrowing to just saving and spending, with giving often taking a backseat. However, many retirees continue to cherish the feeling of giving and knowing the impact they’re making. Planning years in advance allows us to establish a “giving bucket” in retirement that empowers retirees to keep giving, ensuring that their retirement years are just as fulfilling as their earning years.


Ultimately, aligning values with finances is about creating a legacy that extends beyond monetary wealth. It’s about leaving a meaningful impact on the causes and communities we cherish while securing the financial future of ourselves and generations to come.


By embracing a holistic approach to financial planning, one that encompasses both practical strategies and heartfelt values, we can navigate the complexities of wealth management with purpose and intentionality. So, let’s not just focus on the numbers but on the profound impact our financial decisions can make in the world.

Picture of Brandon Lanz

Brandon Lanz

Vice President of Dallas at 49 Financial

Picture of Ryan Botzong

Ryan Botzong

Dallas Financial Associate